Beyond the Ocean is an interview series focused on surf parks

We speak with surf park industry experts, influencers, innovators, and surfing legends about their experiences in-and-around surf parks 

Our goal with this show is to explore every angle of how surf parks are reshaping the future of surfing, beyond the ocean.

The show is powered by Surf Park Central and the Surf Park Summit.

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“Technology has forced surfing to evolve, and we’re here to talk about it”

— Chris Kluesener, Host, Beyond the Ocean


“To build a surf park, it’s a sexy idea, but in reality you need someone with guts to pull it off.”

— Shane Beschen, Pro Surfer, Surf Park Entrepreneur

“All the naysayers who are bagging on surf parks, are people who haven’t ridden one yet.”

— Randy Rarick, Former Executive Director for the VANS Triple Crown of Surfing

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Meet Your Host

Chris Kluesener

Chris is a Managing Partner at Surf Park Central, where he oversees strategy, sales, and growth. He is an entrepreneur, digital product leader, technology enthusiast, and lifelong surfer and kitesurfer from Long Island, New York.

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